Prints & Giclées:


These are prints produced on artist’s canvas, with a textured finish added by hand. This is the most advanced technique available for reproducing fine art. The non-fade inks are guaranteed for 150 years. The canvas print can be dry-mounted by one’s frame shop, or stretched onto stretcher-bars (similar to what’s done with an original oil painting) and then framed. When framed, the textured giclées are difficult to distinguish from an original painting. Each giclée image is surrounded by a 1” white canvas border.


These are images printed on heavy paper using conventional offset printing processes. High-quality printing inks are used, but regardless, with extended exposure to strong light, some fading in a print may occur. Each print image is surrounded by a white border. They are usually framed behind glass – either dry mounted by the framer, or attached to a mat within the frame.


All giclées and prints are rolled in heavy tubes and shipped. Your satisfaction is 100% assured. If you choose to return the art work for any reason within 30 days, you will receive a prompt refund of purchase and shipping costs.